(317) 898-3384 8602 E. 10th St, Indianapolis, IN 46219

What to Expect During My First Month with Dentures

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — indianapolisteam @ 3:16 am
person with dentures smiling

Are you missing multiple teeth and feeling self-conscious about gaps in your smile? Dentures can be a great solution to restore your confidence and smile. They’re designed to look natural, whether you’re replacing a few teeth or an entire set. If you’re new to dentures or thinking about getting them, it’s important to know that there’s an adjustment period when you first start wearing them. As you adapt to your dentures, you might experience some changes in how they feel. Read on to learn what to expect during the first month with dentures and get tips to help you smoothly transition to your new smile.

The First 24 Hours

In the first day or two after getting your dentures, you may experience some discomfort or soreness. This is completely normal as your mouth adjusts to the new dentures. Your dentist might suggest wearing them all the time at first, especially if you’ve had teeth removed. However, it’s a good idea to take them out at night to give your gums a break and time to heal.

Eating with dentures can take some getting used to. To make it easier, start by eating soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and pasta. It’s best to avoid hard or tough foods until you feel more comfortable chewing with your new dentures.

The First Two Weeks

During the first two weeks with your new dentures, you’ll likely need some patience as you adjust. It’s a good idea to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist, especially if you’ve had teeth removed, to check on healing and make sure your dentures fit well.

It’s normal to have some gum soreness during this time, but it should get better as you get used to wearing them. If you experience any significant discomfort or notice your dentures shifting, it’s important to contact your dentist right away. They can make any needed adjustments to improve the fit and comfort of your dentures.

After Two Weeks

After the first two weeks, you’ll likely start feeling more comfortable with your dentures as you get used to them. Eating and speaking should become easier, and you’ll probably have fewer sore spots in your mouth, allowing you to wear your dentures for longer stretches without discomfort.

You might notice that you’re producing less saliva, which is normal when adjusting to dentures. To help with this, try talking and eating with your dentures in to stimulate saliva production. Reading aloud can also be a helpful exercise during this time. It’s a good idea to stick to softer foods until you feel more at ease and confident with your new dentures.

Day 30 & Beyond

After a month, you should be getting used to wearing your dentures. Keep in mind that the fit might change a bit over time because of changes in your gums or regular wear. This is normal, and your dentist can help adjust them to keep them comfortable and working well for you.

About the Practice

Dr. Mark M. Farthing and Dr. Armin M. Tepner are dedicated to providing top-notch dental care to patients in Indianapolis and nearby areas. Their practice offers a variety of treatments tailored to each person’s needs, aiming to give everyone a smile they can be proud of. Among their services, they specialize in providing dentures as a reliable way to replace missing teeth and enhance smiles. To schedule an appointment or find out more about dentures, you can contact Indianapolis Family Dentistry at (317) 898-3384 or visit their website.

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