(317) 898-3384 8602 E. 10th St, Indianapolis, IN 46219

Partial & Full Dentures – Indianapolis, IN

Custom Crafted Prosthetics

senior couple smilingMissing teeth diminish confidence, prevent patients smiling, and make people self-conscious about overall appearance. An incomplete smile compromises oral and overall health. But at Indianapolis Family Dentistry, we’re happy to offer two restorative solutions that reverse tooth loss. With a custom partial and full dentures in Indianapolis, IN, we get patients’ smiles and your lives back on track.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Patient in Indianapolis smiling with dentures

Dentures are a versatile and effective solution for patients who have lost multiple teeth or all of them due to severe decay, gum disease, or injury. They can restore both functionality and aesthetics, allowing you to speak, eat, and smile with confidence once again! Whether you need a partial denture to replace a few missing teeth or a full prosthetic to restore your entire smile, dentures from Indianapolis Family Dentistry can help. If you’re wondering if dentures are right for you, read more below.

Effects of Missing Teeth

Patient in Indianapolis rubbing his cheeks without dentures

Missing teeth can have many detrimental effects on both your oral health and overall well-being. Functionally, gaps in your smile can make it difficult to chew properly. Over time, this can lead to disinterest in certain foods and nutritional deficiencies.

Tooth loss can also affect your self-esteem, creating feelings of anxiety and depression. This can cause you to withdraw from social interactions, decreasing your overall quality of life and worsening your mental health.

The absence of teeth often leads to bone loss in the jaw, which can alter your facial structure and lead to further oral health issues. Surrounding teeth will then begin to shift into the empty spaces, causing bite misalignment and increasing the risk of decay and gum disease.

What Are the Qualities of a Great Candidate for Dentures?

Patient in Indianapolis talking to dentist about dentures

A great candidate for dentures typically has several missing teeth or is completely edentulous (without teeth). They should also have healthy gums and sufficient bone structure to support the prosthetics. However, procedures like gum disease treatment and bone grafts can sometimes be performed if necessary. So, you don’t have to worry if you don’t meet these requirements right away!

Good candidates are also committed to maintaining excellent oral hygiene and attending regular dental visits to ensure the longevity and fit of their dentures. Additionally, if you’re on a tight budget, dentures are one of the most cost-effective treatments. They’ll allow you to enjoy a restored smile without breaking the bank.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

Example of implant dentures from Indianapolis Family Dentistry

While dentures are a popular choice, they’re not for everyone. But don’t worry, there are other tooth-replacement options available, such as:

  • Dental Implants: These are a more permanent solution that involves surgically placing a titanium post into your jawbone. This acts as a root for a replacement tooth. Implants offer excellent stability and can help preserve bone density, but they are generally more expensive and require a longer healing period.
  • Dental Bridges: Another option is a dental bridge, which involves creating a fixed prosthetic by anchoring artificial teeth to adjacent natural teeth or implants.

Each option has its own set of benefits and considerations, so it’s important to schedule a consultation at our office to determine the best solution for your specific needs.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

Why You Need to Replace Missing Teeth Right Away

There are many personal reasons why people will wish to replace their teeth, like boosting their self-esteem or just improving their smile aesthetically, but there are plenty of health-related reasons to replace missing teeth as soon as possible.

woman smiling holidng a green apple

Types of Dentures

Ultimately, you should always rely on the professional opinion of your dentist to lead you in the best direction for your restorative dental care, but you can explore the most popular tooth replacement options we offer here in our dental office.

Full Dentures

denture prosthetic

Full dentures include a complete upper and/or lower row of prosthetic teeth affixed to a gum-colored base. They mimic a natural smile and can return your ability to eat, laugh, and talk with confidence. Dr. Farthing and Dr. Tepner are skilled restorative dentists who will perform comprehensive assessments to customize the fit and function of dentures. They go the extra mile to make sure replacement teeth look, function, and feel fantastic. With full dentures, you can replace one or both arches of teeth for a completely new smile.

Partial Dentures

If you don’t require a full denture, the dentist may suggest a partial denture, commonly called a partial. This removable prosthetic fills gaps and prevents existing teeth from shifting out of place. A partial fits securely, looks natural, and functions like natural teeth. Essentially, a partial denture is a replacement prosthetic that fits like the perfect puzzle piece to complete your smile.

Implant Dentures

In addition to offering removable partials and dentures, Dr. Farthing and Dr. Tepner also offer implant-supported solutions. For patients who have jawbones healthy enough to support multiple implants, implants provide even more stable results than traditional partial or full dentures. Dr. Farther or Dr. Tepner oversee treatment from start to finish, ensuring beautiful, lifelike results that last for years.

Overall, implant supported dentures are the most stable, long-lasting replacement option available, but there are a few prerequisites that your oral health must meet before moving forward with dental implants. Learn more from our informative dental team. We would be happy to explain the perfect candidates for implant supported dentures and how you can improve your oral health to meet the standard if you wish.

How Dentures Are Made

woman smiling while outside

Are you considering dentures in Indianapolis to replace your missing teeth? If so, you probably want to understand what the treatment process will look like. You might be interested in knowing how your dentures will be crafted and the materials used. Whether you're opting for a partial, full, or immediate denture, the process is typically the same for each type. Below, you can learn more about the behind-the-scenes in denture fabrication.

What Are Dentures Made Of?

dental professional holding dentures

Dentures typically consist of two main parts: the denture base and the artificial teeth. Here's a closer look at each component:

  • Denture Base – This serves as the support structure for the prosthetic teeth, providing essential stability. It's commonly made from materials such as acrylic, resin, nylon, porcelain, or even metal. Acrylic is often preferred for full dentures as it can be customized to match the color of your natural gum tissue.
  • Artificial Teeth – These are typically made from resin or porcelain to achieve a lifelike appearance. Porcelain is often preferred due to its ability to closely resemble natural teeth in both look and texture. Moreover, it’s durable and can last many years with proper maintenance.

The Denture Creation Process

dentures getting made in lab

The process of getting dentures in Indianapolis is a comprehensive journey spanning several weeks to a few months. It begins with your dentist taking impressions of your smile, which serve as the foundation for creating a mold of your mouth, dictating the size and shape of your eventual dentures.

Next, the mold is sent to a reputable dental laboratory where your dentures will be made. Using acrylic resin, the prosthetic teeth are positioned to a wax replica of your gum line. A skilled technician carefully sculpts the wax to match your gum contours precisely. When that’s done, the wax dentures are returned to our office for evaluation. After they’re approved, they undergo finalization at the lab.

The lab technician removes the wax by boiling the dentures and then places them in a flask, encasing them with plaster to maintain their form. Holes are strategically drilled into the artificial teeth to make it easier to attach the denture material. After carefully trimming, cutting, and sculpting the prosthetic to achieve perfection, the dentures are sent back to our team.

You'll return to our office for a final fitting, during which any necessary adjustments are made to ensure both the appearance and functionality of your dentures meet your expectations. With this, you'll be ready to enjoy your new smile for years to come!

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

man smiling while holding glasses in hands

In the beginning, there will be an adjustment period as you get used to your new dentures. It's common to experience some mild discomfort and soreness during the first few days, which can make eating and speaking challenging. However, as time progresses, your mouth will adapt to the dentures and they will start to feel more natural. To help expedite this adjustment phase, consider the following tips:

  • Opt for a soft-food diet initially
  • Perform facial muscle exercises regularly
  • Utilize denture adhesives to enhance stability and comfort

The Benefits of Dentures

older couple smiling by the water

Those who have spent any amount of time without a full set of teeth are probably painfully aware of all the challenges that come with tooth loss. Fortunately, high-quality dentures, particularly implant-retained dentures, can take care of these issues. Basically, if you want a higher quality of life, dentures can make nearly everything better than it would be without tooth replacements. Here are just some of the ways dentures can be a truly life-changing improvement.

Psychological Benefits

A smile is small, but it is powerful. If you feel self-conscious about the gaps in your mouth, you are less likely to smile, which can be detrimental to your mental health. Studies show that people who smile often tend to be happier than those who don’t. This means that smiling isn’t just the product of happiness but a contributor to happiness.

In addition, when you aren’t proud of how your smile looks, your self-esteem can suffer. Dentures can help you look and feel your best!

Clearer Enunciation

In speech, certain sounds require the use of your teeth. Just try making th, v, f, s, t, or d sounds without dental support! If you don’t have dentures, you can struggle to communicate or be understood by those around you, which can be isolating, frustrating, and embarrassing. Although speaking with dentures can require a little bit of adjustment at first, they can enable you to make the appropriate sounds and talk clearly.

Improves Nutrition

Without teeth, biting and chewing nutritious foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables, becomes much more difficult. In fact, eating more processed foods is common in this situation, and health can decline as a result. Especially if you receive implant dentures, you can still eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and other foods that contain the nutrients your body needs to operate optimally.

Preserves Oral Health

When one or both arches of teeth are missing, natural jaw alignment becomes askew. Facial structure collapses naturally after tooth loss. This process makes regular functions hard to say the least, but it can become accelerated if teeth are not replaced. Your face can appear sunken, and your bite weakens substantially.

On the other hand, when you wear dentures, your face’s natural bite and jaw alignment are maintained, and the deterioration process is slowed down.

Expands Opportunities

Like it or not, other people may make certain judgements about you based on your smile. If you have significant gaps in your mouth, certain social or professional opportunities may not come your way. By having a complete smile, you welcome all that life has to offer you. Others may be more likely to give you chances for growth.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

As with most types of dental work, the cost of dentures in Indianapolis will depend on the specifics of your oral health. During your consultation, Dr. Tepner or Dr. Farthing will go over your dental needs with you and discuss your options for rebuilding your smile with dentures. As we mentioned earlier on this page, dentures benefit your oral health in addition to their appearance, so they’re definitely an investment worth making.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

The three major considerations that influence how much dentures cost are:

  • Preparatory treatments before the denture can be worn (tooth extractions, gum disease therapy, etc.)
  • The type of acrylic used to create the gum-colored base of the denture
  • The material of the replacement teeth, usually porcelain or acrylic

Your denture dentist in Indianapolis will go over all of these factors during your consultation and provide you with a trustworthy cost estimate.

Keep in mind that just because a denture has a lower price does not necessarily mean it’s better. Very cheap dentures tend to fall apart easily or not look as natural. Quality is important when it comes to your smile!

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Yes, implant dentures cost more than traditional dentures, but for good reason. Because this denture is secured onto dental implants that are fused with the jawbone, it is a more reliable, durable, and lifelike solution. More chewing power will be restored, allowing you to eat your favorite foods without worrying about your teeth slipping out of place.

While a traditional denture typically has to be replaced every five to seven years, an implant denture can last significantly longer. Many patients find that an implant denture is a more cost-effective solution in the long term.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Generally speaking, yes – many dental insurance providers offer partial coverage for dentures. Most of them view dentures as a major restorative procedure, so they’re likely to cover about 50% of the cost. However, every insurance policy is different. Our team is happy to evaluate your plan and confirm how much coverage you’re eligible for before treatment begins. We’re even in-network with many of the most popular dental insurance providers!

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

Besides dental insurance, we have other ways of helping you fit dentures in Indianapolis into your budget, such as low-interest financing through CareCredit. This company has helped countless Americans break up the cost of their dental care into manageable monthly payments.

If you’re looking to save on more than just dentures, you may be interested in our Indianapolis Family Dentistry Membership Plan. For a small monthly or yearly fee, you gain access to FREE preventive care as well as a 15% to 20% discount on all other services, including dentures. Plus, there are no deductibles, annual maximums, or waiting periods to worry about.

Dentures FAQs

Call Indianpolis Family Dentistry today to schedule your dentures or partial consultation with Dr. Farthing or Dr. Tepner. Our conveniently located dental office provides personalized service and one-on-one care to residents of Beech Grove and beyond.

What Is the Average Age for Dentures?

Tooth loss isn’t necessarily inevitable as a person ages, but it definitely becomes more common amongst our older patients. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, adults between the ages of 40 and 64 are twice as likely to be missing at least one tooth than adults who are 39 and younger (66 percent compared to 33 percent). The American Dental Association also found that almost 57% of people ages 65 to 74 wear a denture of some kind.

Although the need for replacement teeth generally increases with age, people of all ages can potentially qualify for dentures.

Will It Hurt to Get Dentures?

When you first receive your denture, it’s normal for your gums to feel sore or irritated as your mouth gets used to the new appliance. The length of the adjustment process varies from person to person. It usually lasts for several weeks, but for some patients, it takes a few months. If you previously wore a denture and have recently switched to a new one, it may take even longer for your mouth to grow accustomed to the new prosthetic.

Can You Still Eat Steak with Dentures?

Steak and other tough meats can be difficult to chew with dentures, but it’s still possible if you take the following precautions:

Can I Have My Dentures Relined If They Don’t Fit Properly?

Over time, dentures will lose their fit due to natural changes in your gums and underlying jawbone. They’re also subject to normal wear and tear over the years. If your prosthetic doesn’t fit as well as it used to, your denture dentist in Indianapolis may recommend a reline. This procedure involves adjusting the base of the denture that rests on the gums. Depending on the extent of the changes necessary, we can either reline your denture in-office or we may need to send it to a separate lab. In either case, a reline can help your denture fit more comfortably for years to come.