(317) 898-3384 8602 E. 10th St, Indianapolis, IN 46219

State-of-the-Art Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry

July 4, 2017

Patient receiving soft tissue laser dentistry serviceLasers aren’t just for space age weaponry anymore. Numerous professions, including carpentry, medicine, and dentistry, utilize laser technologies every day. At Indianapolis Family Dentistry, we use the EPIC diode laser to make numerous oral health treatments faster, safer, more comfortable, and more effective. If you’d like to find out more about how our EPIC soft tissue laser has improved treatment in our office, call the team to schedule an appointment. We’ll be happy to show off our high tech treatment tools.

Don’t let gingivitis prevent you from smiling

July 22, 2016

Gingivitis causes red, puffy, bleeding gums. Prevention is the best gum disease treatment. Learn all about it from Indianapolis Family Dentistry.

Gingivitis, and its more sinister cousin, periodontitis, affects more than half of Americans age 30 or older. This startling statistic from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta becomes more worrisome when we realize the condition affects other areas of the body in very serious ways.

Drs. Mark Farthing and Armin Tepner of Indianapolis Family Dentistry diagnose and treat gum disease in their modern Indianapolis, IN office. They teach prevention, too, as gum disease is often related to lifestyle. (more…)