According to a recent study conducted by Wakefield Research, more than one-third of Americans are unhappy with their smile. So, if you don’t like the way yours looks in pictures or you feel the need to cover it when you laugh, you’re not alone. Don’t fret – that’s where cosmetic dentistry comes in. With this in mind, keep reading to learn a few of the most common cosmetic dental flaws and how your dentist can address them.
#1. Stained Teeth
Discoloration isn’t just common – it’s normal! After years of being exposed to dark-colored foods and beverages, your teeth will naturally begin to look more yellow. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to keep them that way. With in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments, your cosmetic dentist can blast away stubborn stains in no time at all. Since the products are personalized, powerful, safe, and reliable, professional treatments are a way better investment of your time and money compared to over-the-counter whitening kits!
#2. Crooked Teeth
Crooked and overlapped teeth can take a toll on your oral health and your confidence. The good news is that there are several ways your cosmetic dentist can address misalignment. While the most common treatment is braces, there is another one: veneers. This smile-transforming treatment can address small gaps and teeth that are slightly tilted out of position while simultaneously correcting the shape, shade, and size.
#3. Misshapen Teeth
Despite being one of the most common dental flaws patients struggle with, misshapen teeth rarely are talked about. There are two popular treatment options for addressing this concern: cosmetic dental bonding and veneers. More cost-effective upfront, cosmetic dental bonding is ideal for smaller changes and typically lasts for several years at a time. Veneers, on the other hand, can address more “severe” cases and can last for well over a decade with the right best practices in place.
#4. Chipped Teeth
If you have one or more chipped teeth, then don’t hesitate to talk to your dentist about your treatment options. If the chip is small, then cosmetic dental bonding may be the most ideal solution. However, if you need a smile makeover to achieve the results you desire, then your dentist may recommend a mixture of veneers and metal-free dental crowns.
If you’re unhappy with your smile due to any of the previously mentioned dental flaws, don’t wait to get in touch with your cosmetic dentist. The sooner you do, the sooner you’ll have the gorgeous smile you deserve!
About the Practice
With two skilled dentists leading the way, our team at Indianapolis Family Dentistry is proud to offer a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments. That starts with teeth whitening and tooth-colored fillings and extends to veneers and custom smile makeovers! So, if you are unhappy with your smile, would like to learn more about a certain treatment, or want to schedule a consultation to find out if you’re a candidate for cosmetic dentistry, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (317) 898-3384.