Some things in life are a win-win situation. Paid vacation, marrying your best friend and losing weight without even trying are all good examples. And this one may come as a surprise, but so is dental work with a soft tissue laser! When it comes to any dental procedure that involves the soft tissues of your mouth, you can look forward to faster healing, less discomfort and better results overall with this type of laser. Once you’ve had a procedure from a dentist in Indianapolis with a soft tissue laser, you’ll never want to go back to the old way. Keep reading to learn more about how this modern dental tool can benefit you!
What Is the Difference Between Hard Tissue and Soft Tissue?
Hard tissues in the oral cavity are mineralized and include the teeth and jawbone underneath the gums. Hard tissue lasers can be used on these structures to remove decayed areas without as much trauma to the surrounding tooth structure.
Soft tissues include everything else in the mouth, including the lips and cheeks, gums, tongue and floor of the mouth.
Traditionally, procedures have been done on these tissues with a scalpel. Although this method certainly works, one of the downsides is that a dentist has less precision and accuracy.
It also results in more trauma to the tissue, which is potentially more painful and also takes longer to heal. That’s where the soft tissue laser comes in!
What Procedures Can the Soft Tissue Laser Be Used For?
Here are just some of the procedures that a soft tissue laser is perfect for:
- Gum disease – Soft tissue lasers can reduce pocket depths and kill the bacteria that contribute to gum disease.
- Removal of abnormal tissue – Ulcers, lesions, and various lumps and bumps are easily removed with a soft tissue laser.
- Biopsies – These lasers can also be used when a dentist finds something suspicious during an oral cancer screening that needs to be biopsied.
- Cosmetic reshaping of the gums – Some people are unhappy with the proportion of gum tissue to their teeth, or feel that they have a “gummy smile.” Soft tissue lasers are a fast, comfortable way to give their smile a whole new appearance.
What Are the Advantages of a Soft Tissue Laser?
You can expect all of the following benefits when you have a procedure done with a soft tissue laser:
- Enhanced precision
- Significantly improved comfort
- Less anesthesia (but always as much as you need to feel completely comfortable!)
- Less bleeding and swelling
- Faster healing
Up until now, you probably haven’t thought of soft tissue lasers when you think of win-win situations, but now you can see what we mean! Why not take advantage of having the same procedures done better, faster and more comfortably?
About the Author
Dr. Armin Tepner is an Indianapolis native with decades of experience as a general, cosmetic and restorative dentist. He’s always on the lookout for the latest technology that allows him to offer his patients improved results with less discomfort. If you have any questions, he can be reached via his website or at (317) 898-3384.