If your dentist recommends porcelain veneers, it’s understandable to be curious about the specifics. How exactly would the procedure fix your teeth? Even if you trust the recommendation, you’d naturally want to know the kind of results to expect.
There are several benefits of porcelain veneers you should anticipate. In particular, the following three stand out as significant advantages.
Veneers Make for Truly Beautiful, Natural Smiles
You may already know dental veneers — thin pieces of porcelain cemented to teeth — will make your smile more pleasing.
However, veneers do more than help teeth look ‘nice’ — they’re custom-made for each patient to create the most attractive look possible. They don’t stain easily either, so they often take on a highly white, gleaming appearance.
Perhaps best of all, veneers are made to be discrete. The lab that creates them will match or enhance the color of the tooth enamel and the contour of your real teeth. During the placement itself, the dentist sculpts each overlay precisely to create a natural-looking smile. The veneers’ design is customized to fit your facial symmetry and overall style.
Veneers Are Effective & Easy to Maintain
You can trust that porcelain veneers will get the job done well. Being permanent and non-porous, they resist stains and cavities better than natural tooth enamel. Combined with good dental care, a veneer will last between 10 and 15 years (sometimes more).
You don’t have to do anything special for dental veneers since you care for them like normal teeth. Namely, you should brush twice daily and floss at least once daily. Also, remember to schedule regular checkups with your local dentist.
Veneers Are a Wise Investment
Unlike natural teeth, veneers resist staining from habits like drinking coffee. As a result, you’ll be able to enjoy a nice, bright smile both now and decades from now! Just make sure to still use a straw when possible to keep the liquid away from your new and improved smile.
If the stain-resistant nature of veneers wasn’t impressive enough, they also have a long lifespan. In fact, with proper care, they can last for 15+ years! So, while the upfront investment may seem high, it may be the best choice for your smile and your wallet, especially since it can conceal several flaws simultaneously.
Furthermore, most patients experience a subsequent boost in their self-confidence post-treatment. Veneers are long-lasting and a beautiful way to create a smile you’re proud to share.
Hopefully you feel more excited now about getting porcelain veneers. After their final placement, you’ll get to experience a truly transformative smile!
About the Practice
Indianapolis Family Dentistry is based in Indianapolis, IN. Headed by Drs. Mark Farthing and Armin Tepner, graduates of Indiana University’s School of Dentistry, their office provides custom dental treatments for whole families. Using the latest technology, including X-ray imaging and electrosurgery, they offer preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic procedures, especially, are their specialty, ranging from dental implants to porcelain veneers. For more information or to schedule an appointment, the practice can be reached at their website or by phone at (317)-898-3384.